He lived to work!
Literally. And from understanding this
Dickhäuter (- German nickname for an
elephant), I find that that best describes his
He had a deep love for elephants and I was
given the last two elephants of his
collection by the late Walter Fiedler.
Dickhäuter - Thick skinned Being with a
sensitive „feeler“ (trunk) with which it
explores its curiosity and nourishes itself.
He left his body of this world, with over a 106 scars on it,
when he finally closed his eyes!
How many times he should have died whilst making
KINO, is astounding(?)!
Whether it was crashing off a staircase landing with a
motor cycle, or falling 20 meters out of a hot air balloon,
falling off the back of an elephant, almost drowning when
the rope snapped of the glass cage he was imprisoned in
for a film scene at the bottom of a lake, or falling down a
flight of stairs in the clutches of a Bengal Tiger in a panic…
the only thing that could kill Harry Piel, defier of Death,
was the force of his own Mind, when he was no longer able
to make movies!
Therefore, the best way to understand him, is to follow
the trail he left behind:
The list of movies he made, should leave a language of
understanding him best - his subconscious translater,
and the „mask“ he dared send subliminal messages with!
And never forget - birds of the same feather, flock
Show me your Friends, and I‘ll tell you who your are -
studying the list of people he worked, risked his Life with
on a daliy basis, with and their Schicksale - their
biographies, tells you a, lot about a person.
MORE to come…